Ala Trade


I always challenge anyone who is considering joining our company to do their homework and search out everything they can about us, especially how our employees feel about working here. We strive to make every person feel valued. We’re neighbors. We attend the same churches, and our children attend the same schools. Many of our leaders walked through the doors for the first time, “looking for a job,” and now they’re building careers and helping set the direction of our company. We have put processes in place to help our coworkers achieve their career goals. We offer competitive pay and benefits, along with excellent working conditions, and above all, we treat our associates the way we would like our families to be treated ~Randy Dorsett

AlaTrade Foods is one of Marshall County’s largest employers where quality in our product and our people are second to none.  AlaTrade Foods leads the way with technology and quality service. We believe that our product and our relationships should be handled thoughtfully, honestly and with a great deal of care, just like the good ol’ days.

Director of Human Resources - Randy Dorsett